Harry has been appointed by the board of Equip International http://www.equipinternational.com as Vice President of Missions and will be mobilizing, coaching, and encouraging both new and future missionaries for greater effectiveness, longevity, and satisfaction in their calling.
To date, Equip has prepared 2,647 missionaries from 671 groups in skills essential for life in developing countries. Its training classes help them to deal with life issues such as healthcare, disease prevention, clean water, sanitation, food production, wholistic evangelism, and discipleship strategies to reach the lost. Believing that God is glorified through both word and deed, Equip helps prepare Christians to minister to the whole person - physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually - and partners with the local church to finish the task of evangelizing the world and growing the Kingdom of God.
It is our vision to equip others to be God’s instrument of transformation. We further believe that the Church’s response to human need is integral to the Gospel. The love of God in us and through us must be demonstrated, as well as being heard in our preaching and teaching.
Excited to be reconnecting with family and friends
Having been in Uganda for almost three years, we have not had much time to visit with family and friends, and we are so excited to be able to reconnect with many of you. We have missed you dearly.
We plan on making trips to Bristol, Chattanooga, Dallas, Waco, Baltimore, Roanoke, and possibly other places prior to relocating to Marion, NC in the fall. Please call (828-803-4026) or email (tentmakersonthego@hotmail.com) so we can get together.
One of the greatest joys has been to celebrate our first Grandson’s second birthday. Brody is a handsome and active toddler, and we look forward to being closer so we can watch him grow up.
Drew and Rebecca are expecting their first child in November, and we will be only 1.5hours from Bristol.
As you can imagine, our mothers are also excited that our new assignment has us closer to home.
US and International Ministry Responsibilities Based in Western North Carolina
We will be based at Equip’s training center located in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina.
Harry will not only assist in training, but also travel internationally to coach and encourage Equip’s field missionaries.
It has been shown that better administrative support of Christian witnesses on the field decreases preventable attrition by 50%. Our missionaries are too valuable to lose.
Most importantly, with hundreds of millions of people around the world without a saving relationship with Christ, Harry also hopes to equip field missionaries and their national workers with strategies to better reach the lost.
Many missionaries in the developing world are transforming individuals and communities using a wholistic strategy called Community Health Evangelism (CHE), which we have been teaching since 2006. When combined with Chronological Bible Storying, used extensively by the International Mission Board (SBC) and New Tribes Mission, many are bringing the “Light of the World” to the darkest and most challenging places on the planet.
“I would like to help, but I only have five loaves and two fish.”
Raising support is not a pleasant thing to do; and yet the Apostle Paul did and commends the Philippian church on their financial partnership in the Gospel. To all of you who have shared generously and sacrificially, we cannot thank you enough! God has multiplied your giving and has allowed us to accomplish a lot over these past few years on a small salary of $1,200 a month.
We have lived on faith and have trusted God to meet our needs; and He has done so. We will be continuing to trust the Lord to provide our living as well as ministry expenses through your donations. Our mission pastor suggested we share those with you.
Total Salary $2,512
Total Ministry Expenses $2,805
Total Monthly Need $5,317
Based on these estimates, we are currently at 34% of our goal. If 75 additional groups (small groups, Sunday school classes, life groups, etc) or individuals could donate $50 a month, these needs can be met.
You may say, “I would like to help, but I only have five loaves and two fish. I don’t have $50 dollars to spare.” Just imagine, if each person in a small group shared what they could each month, what a miracle God could do! We would love the opportunity to share about “Water Walking with Jesus,” personally or at your church or small group.
We are “stepping out of the boat” on faith, and trusting the Lord to provide the funds needed to equip missionaries for greater effectiveness, longevity, and satisfaction in their calling. Thank you for praying about how you or your small group can partner with us. Will you step out in faith as well?
Donations can be sent to Equip, Inc. at PO Box 1126, Marion, NC 28752. Please attach a post-it note indicating it is for Harry and Pam Porter. THANK YOU and we pray that God will bless you for sharing your five loaves and two fish!
Your Partners in Missions,
Pam and Harry Porter
Dear Friends and Supporters of Harry and Pam Porter,
We have important news to share regarding Harry and Pam’s association with LifeWind International. You may have read in their recent email announcement that they are transferring their membership and mission work to one of LifeWind’s strategic partners, Equip International.
Equip International is a well-respected evangelical mission organization with U.S. home offices in Marion, North Carolina. Harry has accepted the role of Vice President of Missions. Equip specializes in preparing Christian leaders around the world in Community Health Evangelism, Missionary Medicine Intensive, and Appropriate Technology. Equip is a good match for the ministry of Harry and Pam. It is evident God has been preparing them for this new role. As a logical “next step” in the work God is doing through them, their move has our full support.
In the past four years Harry and Pam have played an important role in accomplishing God’s mission in Uganda. Most significantly, they have lived through challenges on the mission field that will now allow them a unique perspective to help equip others.
Thank you for your obedience to the Lord’s call on your hearts to support the Porters with prayers and finances. Please don’t stop now. Your support encourages and strengthens them, enabling their mission before God. It will be their work here on American soil that prepares missionaries to have the greatest impact in the foreign field.
LifeWind will issue tax-deductible receipts for gifts preferenced for Harry and Pam postmarked through July 31, 2010. Future donations should be sent to Equip International at PO Box 1126, Marion, NC 28752. Please notate Harry and Pam Porter on the comment line of your check.
We would, of course, continue to welcome your support for the programs of LifeWind International around the world.
We thank God for Harry and Pam’s years of faithful service with LifeWind. We anticipate with confidence the faithfulness of our Lord as they continue to serve Him in missions. What He has begun in them, He will certainly bring to completion.
Serving together,
John C. Payne, M.D.
Letter from General Director of Equip International,
Dear Friends,
It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of Dr. Harry Porter to the position of Vice President of Missions for Equip International. Harry and his lovely wife Pam have served the Lord in the US and several overseas countries since graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary.
Returning to the US from service overseas is a huge step of faith. It is our sincere prayer that those of you who have supported the Porters in Uganda will see how very strategic this move is for Harry and Pam and that it will greatly enlarge the scope of their outreach as they prepare and direct the efforts of many missionaries around the world.
Harry and Pam are moving from an African economy to the US which obviously will be a financial challenge, but you know if just a few more friends would join the team, the challenge would be met. I like to put it this way.
If we, as their friends, could see our way to give one dollar a day, the price of a cup of coffee (McDonalds, not Starbucks), that would amount to $30 a month; if ten did it, $300 a month; if fifty $1,500 and so on.
We at Equip have been praying for the last four years for someone to fill this position. We need them; the missionaries on our fourteen fields need their encouragement and coaching. If you can help make this happen, please let them know that you want to be on their team, partners with them and with the Lord, in His harvest.
Sincerely in Christ,
Barrie G. Flitcroft General Director
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